Home Improvement

Typical Mistakes When Hanging Wall Art

Nothing ruins a beautiful painting like a sloppy nail job. In fact, we’d wager that your wall decoration is to fault if a specific space has been giving you grief for no apparent reason. Don’t worry; this simple guide will help you figure out if you’re making any of the most typical mistakes while hanging artwork.

Too Much Distance When Grouping Corresponding Wall Art

It’s clear that the works of wall art in your collection are at odds with one another, which must make things quite uncomfortable for everyone involved. If you’re hanging identical paintings next to one another or just hanging a pair of paintings together, the frames should be no more than three inches apart.

Starting with no information

When I was just starting out as an artist and I wanted to begin a new painting, the blank white canvas could be intimidating. In the past, I’ve found that it’s difficult to get started on a painting if I don’t have a clear mental picture of where I want it to go. This would lead me to give up and close Photoshop in frustration.

Disturbing the View with Too-Large Wall Decorations

When they see a picture frame that isn’t straight, some individuals get the willies. Me? When I see canvas paintings nearby shop  placed in an inconvenient position, either far over a bed or sofa, or barely at eye level on a wall by itself, I can’t help but sigh inwardly. In spite of its prevalence, this is actually the most easily corrected of all art-hanging faux pas. Do you wish there were a cost-free method to enhance your home’s aesthetics? Take a stroll around the house to check the heights at which your artwork like nude artwork paintings is hung and see if any of them may be lowered.

Too many details

It was also common practice for me to spend a lot of time perfecting each and every square centimeter of a painting by adding details there. Sometimes I’d go crazy trying to get every last detail right, right down to the corner. Even if the details you’ve painted are stunningly beautiful and exquisite, they won’t be appreciated by your audience if there’s too much of them all over the painting.

Incorrect Measurement


If you framed a treasured piece of art too small or too dinky, you may easily fix the problem by replacing the old frame with a new one that is both more substantial and visually appealing. But remember the “go big or go home” mentality: if you’re going to do something out of scale with the rest of the space, make it plainly out of scale with the room, either way too huge or way too small, so it seems purposeful, even if it isn’t.