Manufacturing industry relies almost completely on automated equipment and machine tools to produce consumer goods. Much of this machinery operates at high speed, often at high temperature and sometimes at high pressure ensuring that any defect is potentially dangerous to life and limb. Domestic and EU regulations are in place to regulate the use of machinery in the workplace with rules and regulations applying across the entire manufacturing spectrum including noise limits, guard requirements, protective equipment and safety gear. Whilst increased automation has the advantage of cheaper and faster production, there is an enhanced danger of personal injury making it imperative that all machinery used in the workplace is regularly maintained and operated by well-trained employees who have access to all equipment manuals. Employers must make the health and safety of employees paramount and failure to do so will mean that they come to the attention of work accident claim solicitors and are liable to pay compensation for any personal injury caused by negligence in the form of defective machinery.
Common Hazards
UK work accident claim solicitors are aware of almost all potential hazards and employers must take measures to ensure that workers using equipment or machinery are not exposed to any health risk or hazard including :-
manufactured articles or machine components falling or being ejected from machinery
rupture or disintegration of high speed machine parts or of the manufactured product
discharge of gas, dust, liquid and vapour or any other noxious substance including hot liquids
explosion of equipment caused by build-up of inflammable gases or chemicals used in production
unguarded rotating shafts, rollers, cogs, spoked wheels and reciprocating levers or arms
unguarded or un-caged power presses and other heavy machinery
faulty safety switches or remote safety switches
dangerous electrical installations without adequate isolation switches
unavailable manuals and written instructions
inadequate instruction, training or supervision
lack of safety equipment and personal protective clothing